Plucking Petals…

Many of us have carefully plucked petals from daisies hoping to find the answer we want when the last petal is removed…He loves me. He loves me not… She love me. She loves me not…They love me. They love me not… Although formed as statements, those are really crucial questions! Despite the illogicalness of thisContinue reading “Plucking Petals…”

Plucking Petals

Preview in new tab Many of us have carefully plucked petals from daisies hoping to find the answer we want when the last petal is removed…He loves me. He loves me not… She love me. She loves me not…They love me. They love me not… Although formed as statements, those are really crucial questions! DespiteContinue reading “Plucking Petals”

Change is Constant

The view from this old window– with its daisy-ed field gently rolling to the blue cove and its periwrinkled beach stretching out toward the “head” where a fir tipped cliff boldly juts into  a sea, teased and challenged by a wispy fog bank–speaks a paradox. It defies the truth that “change is a constant”! GenerationsContinue reading “Change is Constant”