Every Spring!

As the song goes, “Everything is beautiful in its own way.” These lemon lilies hunker down each fall, endure chilling winter freezes, and faithfully grow back every spring with bright and fragrant beauty. That amazing cycle of transformation and resiliency occurs all around us in the plant kingdom. Although we humans are part of thisContinue reading “Every Spring!”

Morning Songs of the Heart

Do you ever awaken with your soul singing? Matthew Redman did as he contemplated God’s goodness: “The sun comes up, it’s a new day dawning. It’s time to sing your song again” (10,000 Reasons). Perhaps a beautiful dawn was the inspiration for the awaking Psalmist who exclaimed, “This is the day the Lord has made.Continue reading “Morning Songs of the Heart”

Wisdom from an Old Owl…

A wise old owl sat on an oak\ The more he heard\ The less he spoke. The less he spoke\ The more he heard\ Why not be like that wise old bird? That bit of proverbial wisdom became my first public “speech” in first grade. Although this particular saying is not attributed to him, KingContinue reading “Wisdom from an Old Owl…”

Has the Light Gone Out?

I love watching sails slip by this old lighthouse and can easily romanticize its many stories as it sits on Mark island within rowing distance of Winter Harbor, Maine. Sadly, it is now a privately owned landmark and is no longer an active beacon warning, guiding or welcoming weary sailors and fishermen seeking safe harborContinue reading “Has the Light Gone Out?”

All or none…

Stonington’s visitors and residents will recognize this familiar scene on its working waterfront. Curiously, this shed like building which has weathered high winds and vicious storms for years appears to be sitting partially on rugged shore rock and partly on a wharf held up by stilts. Christ told a parable about foundational materials on whichContinue reading “All or none…”

Unending Beauty

We think of beauty as a quality of someone or something that visually pleases us. Whether or not beauty is intrinsic to something, the saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” implies that beauty is subject to personal aesthetics, appreciations, preferences or interests. That also allows certain intangibles such as music or aContinue reading “Unending Beauty”

Beyond Repair?

This old, deserted place appears to have deteriorated beyond repair. Full restoration might be possible but would require the knowledge and skills of a devoted, courageous, visionary craftsman with deep pockets and much patience. There is little hope that will happen. Sometimes it seems civilization has degenerated into total moral rebellion and has reached thatContinue reading “Beyond Repair?”

“Dooryard” Treasures

A Maine “dooryard” is often the source of surprises and treasures! Scrap lumber? Junk cars? Old buggies? Clotheslines? Free ranging chickens? Weeds? Goats? Playgrounds? Cast off toilets? Whirligigs? Beautiful lilacs? Callous chaos? A lovely, sculpted lawn? Or some combination with a dog or two thrown in! Maybe even sheep and a lobster boat and gear!Continue reading ““Dooryard” Treasures”

A Father’s Love

I don’t know him, but I love this guy. It may be cold outside, but it warms my heart to see him huddled and enjoying life with his little family while sharing his knowledge about what he values. He is a good Dad. He has even prepared a picnic and reminds me of our HeavenlyContinue reading “A Father’s Love”

Skating on Thin Ice

“By the breath of God ice is given, and the broad waters are frozen fast” (Job 37:10). As kids, we loved to skate on a frog pond beside railroad tracks that ran through the middle of our village. While we skated, we warmed ourselves beside, or cooked an occasional hotdog over, a fire of scavengedContinue reading “Skating on Thin Ice”