Feeling rejected?

This bull moose is bellowing disappointment. His amorous advances have just been rejected. We all know how painful and devastating rejection can be. In fact, imaging studies have shown that rejection activates the same area in the brain activated by physical pain. Rejection rears its head in various forms: misunderstandings, criticism, bullying, unreciprocated love, emotionalContinue reading “Feeling rejected?”

The Best Knowledge…

Although not everyone enjoys school, most people want to learn interesting and useful information or skills. Whether intentional or incidental, learning is a life long endeavor which may come from formal education and/or by practical, purposeful “hands on” experience and the benefits of “hard knocks.” Either way, we realize that there is always more toContinue reading “The Best Knowledge…”

The Earth Speaks?

“…ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? ( JobContinue reading “The Earth Speaks?”

When the Mist Rolls Away

Faith is like lobster fishing before GPS technology. Fishermen used compasses, running times, buoy colors, fog horns, visible land marks, and knowledge of the fishing grounds to find their lobster pots. With that knowledge, they had confidence they would locate their gear even in low visibility. Our belief systems unfold as we weave through foggyContinue reading “When the Mist Rolls Away”

Planning for Harvest…

Although it is still winter here in Maine, gardeners are looking at seed catalogues, and farmers are thinking ahead to spring planting and dreaming about the fruits of their labor. Some Aroostook farmer sowed (and most importantly painstakingly cultivated) this beautiful field of blossoming potato plants shown in the photo. Knowledge of seed types, bestContinue reading “Planning for Harvest…”

Planning for Harvest Now?

Although it is still winter here in Maine, gardeners are looking at seed catalogues, and farmers are thinking ahead to spring planting and dreaming about the fruits of their labor. Some Aroostook farmer sowed (and most importantly painstakingly cultivated) this beautiful field of blossoming potato plants shown in the photo. Knowledge of seed types, bestContinue reading “Planning for Harvest Now?”

In the Dark?

Our country has been widely blessed with the benefits of electricity, batteries, and generators. During a recent, prolonged power outage here in Maine, the miracle that light bulbs can disperse darkness became very relevant. Even so, there are times if one wishes to read, it must be done by candle light, lamplight, or beside anContinue reading “In the Dark?”

Finding Peace

belief, Bible, Christ, Christianity, Devotional, eternality, faith, garden, God, Gospel, hope, inspirational, Isaiah, Jesus, love, Maine, Maine garden, Maine photography, Meaning, meaning and purpose, meditating on scripture, meditation, meditation in the Bible, meditative methods, New Testament, Old Testament, peace, perfect peace, photography, Psalms, purpose, reading Bible, redemption, religion, religious, salvation, Scripture, spirituality, spring garden, Sullivan,Continue reading “Finding Peace”

Perfect Peace

Many of us have a favorite place conducive for relaxing, thinking, or meditating. Some of us may use mantras or mindfulness or some other form of meditation to lower stress levels, to relieve anxiety, and to achieve inner calmness. The prophet Isaiah knew the secret to inner peace. Speaking of God, he wrote, “You willContinue reading “Perfect Peace”

Out With the Old, In With the New!

(In the winter of life, the past remains even though life constantly changes.) “Out with the old, in with the new” is a grand but totally impractical New Year’s expectation! Celebratory gatherings, festive toasts, fireworks, and a few seconds of Auld Lang Syne somehow allow a brief reprieve from the baggage and sadness of theContinue reading “Out With the Old, In With the New!”