Despair or Hope

There is something poetic and literary about these beach strollers as they attempt to find enjoyment in this dense fog. While wandering about, coming and going, and disappearing into the mist, they conjure up metaphors and raise questions about the mysteries and brevity of life. They are reminiscent of the desperate, meandering shadows of Shakespeare’sContinue reading “Despair or Hope”

A break in the Storm

When I was around ten years old, our small Church had a Junior Choir consisting of seven or eight “kids”. We were quite angelic in our little, white robes as we sang joyfully and with great gusto during Sunday Worship Service. I still remember the refrain of one of those songs: “The Storms may comeContinue reading “A break in the Storm”

New Beginnings

Watching the sun peek over the horizon to gaze upon the awakening day is spirit lifting! Sunrises offer us new beginnings.  Even when we carry old business forward, dawn brings freshness and excitement, a renewed hope, and an anticipation for possibilities, yet to be experienced. Even the weeping Prophet, Jeremiah, found this to be true:Continue reading “New Beginnings”

Change is Constant

The view from this old window– with its daisy-ed field gently rolling to the blue cove and its periwrinkled beach stretching out toward the “head” where a fir tipped cliff boldly juts into  a sea, teased and challenged by a wispy fog bank–speaks a paradox. It defies the truth that “change is a constant”! GenerationsContinue reading “Change is Constant”