Has the Light Gone Out?

I love watching sails slip by this old lighthouse and can easily romanticize its many stories as it sits on Mark island within rowing distance of Winter Harbor, Maine. Sadly, it is now a privately owned landmark and is no longer an active beacon warning, guiding or welcoming weary sailors and fishermen seeking safe harborContinue reading “Has the Light Gone Out?”

All or none…

Stonington’s visitors and residents will recognize this familiar scene on its working waterfront. Curiously, this shed like building which has weathered high winds and vicious storms for years appears to be sitting partially on rugged shore rock and partly on a wharf held up by stilts. Christ told a parable about foundational materials on whichContinue reading “All or none…”

Unending Beauty

We think of beauty as a quality of someone or something that visually pleases us. Whether or not beauty is intrinsic to something, the saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” implies that beauty is subject to personal aesthetics, appreciations, preferences or interests. That also allows certain intangibles such as music or aContinue reading “Unending Beauty”

Beyond Repair?

This old, deserted place appears to have deteriorated beyond repair. Full restoration might be possible but would require the knowledge and skills of a devoted, courageous, visionary craftsman with deep pockets and much patience. There is little hope that will happen. Sometimes it seems civilization has degenerated into total moral rebellion and has reached thatContinue reading “Beyond Repair?”


The awaited time is now, and “Tide Strider” is ready. After much hard work and heavy lifting, the lobster traps have been stacked onto the wharf. Buoys and gear are on board. The weather is changing. Let the fishing season begin! I wonder how much of life is spent “preparing.” We plan meals, social events,Continue reading “Prepared?”

Feeling rejected?

This bull moose is bellowing disappointment. His amorous advances have just been rejected. We all know how painful and devastating rejection can be. In fact, imaging studies have shown that rejection activates the same area in the brain activated by physical pain. Rejection rears its head in various forms: misunderstandings, criticism, bullying, unreciprocated love, emotionalContinue reading “Feeling rejected?”

The Best Knowledge…

Although not everyone enjoys school, most people want to learn interesting and useful information or skills. Whether intentional or incidental, learning is a life long endeavor which may come from formal education and/or by practical, purposeful “hands on” experience and the benefits of “hard knocks.” Either way, we realize that there is always more toContinue reading “The Best Knowledge…”

When the Mist Rolls Away

Faith is like lobster fishing before GPS technology. Fishermen used compasses, running times, buoy colors, fog horns, visible land marks, and knowledge of the fishing grounds to find their lobster pots. With that knowledge, they had confidence they would locate their gear even in low visibility. Our belief systems unfold as we weave through foggyContinue reading “When the Mist Rolls Away”

In the Dark?

Our country has been widely blessed with the benefits of electricity, batteries, and generators. During a recent, prolonged power outage here in Maine, the miracle that light bulbs can disperse darkness became very relevant. Even so, there are times if one wishes to read, it must be done by candle light, lamplight, or beside anContinue reading “In the Dark?”

Finding Peace

belief, Bible, Christ, Christianity, Devotional, eternality, faith, garden, God, Gospel, hope, inspirational, Isaiah, Jesus, love, Maine, Maine garden, Maine photography, Meaning, meaning and purpose, meditating on scripture, meditation, meditation in the Bible, meditative methods, New Testament, Old Testament, peace, perfect peace, photography, Psalms, purpose, reading Bible, redemption, religion, religious, salvation, Scripture, spirituality, spring garden, Sullivan,Continue reading “Finding Peace”