Unending Beauty

We think of beauty as a quality of someone or something that visually pleases us. Whether or not beauty is intrinsic to something, the saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” implies that beauty is subject to personal aesthetics, appreciations, preferences or interests. That also allows certain intangibles such as music or aContinue reading “Unending Beauty”

Magical Thinking?

Memorial Day is a day of “remembering”. Originating in the post civil war period as Decoration Day, it is now a Federal holiday designated to honor US military veterans who  died while serving our country. However, the day has morphed into not only a day filled with ceremonies, parades, flags, and wreaths to remember allContinue reading “Magical Thinking?”

In a Hurry?

With morning’s first light, as the sun climbs over the horizon and heaven turns the page to a new day, God graciously gives us a new beginning. The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.               I say to myself, “The LORDContinue reading “In a Hurry?”