Wisdom from an Old Owl…

A wise old owl sat on an oak\ The more he heard\ The less he spoke. The less he spoke\ The more he heard\ Why not be like that wise old bird? That bit of proverbial wisdom became my first public “speech” in first grade. Although this particular saying is not attributed to him, KingContinue reading “Wisdom from an Old Owl…”

Open or Closed?

Beyond the fence in the photo lies a magnificent but obscured view of Frenchman’s bay, its islands, boats, and mountains. That wonder can only be accessed through the now closed gate, and we are not invited in. Jesus used a gate as a metaphor in a rather surprising, even shocking parable about some good butContinue reading “Open or Closed?”

From where you sit…

From where you sit, do you see what I see? Probably not! We live in the same world, maybe in the same neighborhood, or even in the same household but still can have very different perspectives on life. What we learn and the way we learn and experience the world can be very diverse. So,Continue reading “From where you sit…”

Joy All the Time?

Sunset, Sorrento, Maine, We all experience brief times when words cannot do justice to what we internally experience. A breathtaking mountain summit vista, the monotonous crashing of surf, a whip-o-will’s twilight call, a warm fire shared with a friend or book, a beautiful symphony, the weird laughter of loons echoing through a still, dark night,Continue reading “Joy All the Time?”

Moving Mountains

    Majestically rising from the Atlantic Ocean, Acadia’s beautiful mountains  have not moved in thousands of years. We know  they will always be in the very same location whenever we look for them. Unfortunately, life is not as predictable. No matter how considered our decisions, proactive our plans, or rationally sound and intuitive ourContinue reading “Moving Mountains”

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

Sometimes winter lays its soft blanket gently and quietly. But even when its blustery, snow-filled, cold, harsh breath blows, it leaves behind a crisp starkness and raw beauty, a back and white world which is strangely comforting. As it settles around us, we are reassured that the world is in order. Earth’s seasons are cyclingContinue reading “Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!”

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

Sometimes winter lays its soft blanket gently and quietly. But even when its blustery, snow-filled, cold, harsh breath blows, it leaves behind a crisp starkness and raw beauty, a back and white world which is strangely comforting. As it settles around us, we are reassured that the world is in order. Earth’s seasons are cyclingContinue reading “Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!”

“In the Bleak Midwinter”….

Long, cold, 18th century, English winters inspired Christina Rossetti’s Christmas poem, In the Bleak Midwinter. In the course of this dreary weather season, several religions celebrate special days which include the Jewish Festival of Lights or Hanukkah and the Christian celebration of Christ’s Advent or Christmas. During the extended Christmas holiday, the airways are filledContinue reading ““In the Bleak Midwinter”….”

A Rose by Whatever Name…..

According to Juliet in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”. Juliet knew that the character of the boy she loved was more important than his family origin or the surname that he had been given. Labelling, fancy marketing, having a famous name, or presenting a pleasant affect doContinue reading “A Rose by Whatever Name…..”