Paddle Your Own Canoe

The phrase to “paddle your own canoe” has been around since the mid 1800’s and conjures up ideas of independence, self-reliance, persistence, endurance and the belief that we control our own destiny! Several poems were written and entitled “Paddle Your Own Canoe”. Sarah Bolton’s contained an often partially quoted verse: Voyager upon life’s sea,To yourselfContinue reading “Paddle Your Own Canoe”

Safety in Troubled Waters

Life is unpredictable. There is beauty and joy but also darkness and sorrow. Sometimes our reality is external chaos and inner turmoil as we deal with human tragedies and conundrums that leave us discouraged, frustrated, anxious, angry, or fearful.  When we are buffeted and battered by difficult, sad, and trying times, we need encouragement andContinue reading “Safety in Troubled Waters”

Solitude and Solace

   Even the extroverts among us need solitude (even in a pandemic) — a time and place free for uninterrupted thought and meditation, for processing life, for resting weary minds and reviving waning spirits, and for re-energizing tired bodies. Calmness and refreshment may be found behind a door which shuts out our universe for aContinue reading “Solitude and Solace”

Rocky Shores and Firm Foundations

  Looking back from the sea, this lobsterman can visually grasp the firm foundation of our great state. Maine has magnificent rock formations from its mountain ranges and slate and granite quarries to its rockbound coast with rugged, beautiful cliffs and outcroppings that hang jagged and high over the Bold Coast trail in Cutler. PinkContinue reading “Rocky Shores and Firm Foundations”

And the Winner is…..

We are born contenders! Most of us enjoy some form of individual or group competition. We love to cheer on our favorite teams and challenge each other with family games, pickup basketball, and school sports. We test ourselves in attempts to better our individual swim and running times, to improve our golf game, tennis swingContinue reading “And the Winner is…..”

A break in the Storm

When I was around ten years old, our small Church had a Junior Choir consisting of seven or eight “kids”. We were quite angelic in our little, white robes as we sang joyfully and with great gusto during Sunday Worship Service. I still remember the refrain of one of those songs: “The Storms may comeContinue reading “A break in the Storm”

New Beginnings

Watching the sun peek over the horizon to gaze upon the awakening day is spirit lifting! Sunrises offer us new beginnings.  Even when we carry old business forward, dawn brings freshness and excitement, a renewed hope, and an anticipation for possibilities, yet to be experienced. Even the weeping Prophet, Jeremiah, found this to be true:Continue reading “New Beginnings”

Geraniums and Grace

Preview(opens in a new tab) To know the true character of a “home” we must familiarization ourselves with its interior, not just its facade. Sadly, some beautifully, manicured houses are filled with pain and horror. But conversely, secreted within this dilapidated farmhouse are years of warm memories, an obscured loveliness, and a question! Behind itsContinue reading “Geraniums and Grace”