Lighting the Way

Lighting the way at Prospect Harbor, Maine The Psalmist considered God’s instructions and encouragements to be a blessing. They were true, not to be neglected, or rebelled against but were a “light” in a difficult and harsh world where he groped for meaning. They led to knowledge, understanding, wisdom and the power to live asContinue reading “Lighting the Way”

all shepherds we…

Like the shepherds, we … anxious, waiting, wrapped in Bethlehem’s darkness listening for circling wolves… unseen, lurking, howling, threatening, fearsome, snarling… imagined phantoms of loss, impossibilities, hurt, grief, shame terrifying death… Like the shepherds we… Waiting, Waiting, Waiting… for the dawn. Have we not heard the angel? Fear not! Immanuel! God is here! A SaviorContinue reading “all shepherds we…”