Year Around Gardening and Earth Day

 Perhaps the reason so many of us enjoy gardening is because God planted a very “good” garden “eastward in Eden” and turned its stewardship over to humanity ! (Genesis 1:10-12; 2:8,9,15; 3:18)     April 22nd has been observed as “Earth Day” in the United States since 1970.  Although long standing, conflicting ideas about humanity’s responsibilityContinue reading “Year Around Gardening and Earth Day”

“Raging against the Dying of the Light” or Confidently “Going into the Good Night?” Thoughts from Dylan Thomas and Jesus…

Watching his beloved father become weakened by age and illness, Dylan Thomas lamented that “ Old age should burn and rave at close of day ” and wrote the untitled poem with the well known quote “ Do not go gentle into that good night.” In that poem, he observed the end-of- life ruminations ofContinue reading ““Raging against the Dying of the Light” or Confidently “Going into the Good Night?” Thoughts from Dylan Thomas and Jesus…”

Has Easter Dawned?

  The miracle of creation’s first light, when God said “Let there be light”, gradually emerges again and again in a blend of beauty and mystery and tentativeness as night’s darkness is pushed aside, and the lifting mists slowly unveil the day’s reality. Resurrection morning would be like that for Jesus’ followers. Comprehension of the mysteriesContinue reading “Has Easter Dawned?”

Blood, Sweat and Tears

      The idiom  “blood, sweat and tears” is usually associated with hard work and not with poultry! That saying has often been attributed to Winston Church in his address to the UK in 1940 and was also the name of a 1960’s  brass-jazz-rock group. But the term predates Mr. Churchill and rock bands. It was usedContinue reading “Blood, Sweat and Tears”

What is Your View?

It is interesting how our perceptions of places, events, or ideas depend on our interests and the angles from which we look. There are many influencers on how we view life, ranging from family and social environments and cultural mores to the values we learn in our schools and churches and synagogues. These either hauntContinue reading “What is Your View?”

Timely and Timeless…

From within the confusing cacophony of voices inundating us, hear the ancient Psalmist’s song and timely advice: ” Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it dayContinue reading “Timely and Timeless…”

Of Catalogs and Kingdoms

One of the bright moments during Maine’s late, cold winter months arrives when the seed catalogues do. They not only inspire dreams of fresh vegetables and beautiful flowers but also astound with the awesome awareness that a variety of plants are stored in tiny seeds, varied and peculiar to the hidden plant! Packed within eachContinue reading “Of Catalogs and Kingdoms”

In a Hurry?

With morning’s first light, as the sun climbs over the horizon and heaven turns the page to a new day, God graciously gives us a new beginning. The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.               I say to myself, “The LORDContinue reading “In a Hurry?”